Alrighty then, let's get this show on the road! Literally!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
2011! Team! Ride! Number! One!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Hey kids!
According to my many inside sources (okay - Mary sent me an e-mail) the Death Vally Ride is so close to full that it'll fill up today or tomorrow so if you're on the fence - or if you have friends, fam or riding buds that are - it's time to get registered!
Remember - you can always switch Ride Sites later (or ...shhhh!... back out as long as you do so before the deadline)
The MAIN message here is that you wanna sign up for Death Valley NOW if you wanna join the World's Coolest Team as it once again delivers a karate chop to the throat of Type 1!
I sure hope you do!
Ride on, MC
Friday, March 11, 2011
By the Numbers

I'm simply amazed by these numbers. This isn't going to be just any other year for this team. With a group like this, with the dedication we all have...this is going to be a landmark year.
Friday, March 4, 2011
THIS MONDAY, MARCH 7 (NOON EST) is when registration opens for the 2011 JDRF Ride to Cure Diabetes. Please note, many of our teammates are planning to travel to Death Valley this year. If you’re included in this group, it’s important to know that THIS RIDE WILL FILL UP. Fast. If you are even sort of considering Death Valley, we highly suggest you register for it ASAP on Monday. You can change your ride site later if you change your mind. You will be required to pay a $100 non-refundable fee (think of it as your first donation, from yourself!) via credit card (new this year also, PayPal and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)) to secure your spot. Burlington, VT July 28-31 La Crosse, WI August 11-14 Lake Tahoe, NV September 9-12 Death Valley, CA October 13-16 Tucson, AZ November 17-20 Fundraising options for all Ride locations: $4,000 (Gold) - You don't worry about anything other than showing up at the airport at appointed time. Airfare, bike transportation, ground transportation, hotel, and meals (Thurs pm – Sun am; excluding lunch on Fri) are covered. All Ride day logistics and support are covered too. No worries. $3,000 (Silver) – You are responsible for getting yourself and your bike to the Ride location. Hotel and meals are covered (Thurs pm – Sun am; excluding lunch on Fri). All Ride day logistics and support are covered too. $2,000 (Bronze) – You are responsible for all travel and accommodations expenses for the Ride. Your meals are, however, covered (Thurs pm – Sun am; excluding lunch on Fri). All Ride day logistics and support are covered too. If you aren't sure which option will work best for you, make your best guess and sign up Monday anyway—our Chapter staff can change your fundraising package if necessary up until a date that’s TBD (we’ll let you know when that’s coming). It’s just important to secure your spot on Monday. If you have concerns or questions, leave a comment and we'll be sure to get you answers. See you on the road...SOON!
So, how do you sign up?
On Monday, visit and choose "Register." Fill out the form. There will be an option to select your chapter via zip code. Just be sure you end up with the Michigan Great Lakes West Chapter (and let us know if it tries to put you somewhere else!).
Locations to choose from (read Coach MC’s review of each site here):