Would you buy your diabetes supplies from this guy?
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday's Team Ride - Townsend Park
Should be a GREAT ride. I can't wait to read about who showed up, who tried to catch Cindy in blown tire race and who brought the best snacks. (You do know I'm not going to be there, right? I'm sorry, rain and under 60 is not my riding weather.)
I do have babysitters lined up for the ENTIRE summer now. We won't be missing many after this weekend. Get ready, whimpy Katie is almost ready to ride. :-)
For those of you who brave the weather this weekend, have fun at Townsend Park from 2p - 6p. It's a great ride.
And, hey, don't forget about the following fundraising events going on this weekend:
1) Jookin' for JDRF: Friday 8:30p - ? at the American Legion Hall in Saugatuck - hosted by Brian Bowe (Asheville)
2) Community Garage Sale - Sat & Sunday at Churchill Elementary in Muskegon hosted by Amy Fisher and Melanie Williamson (Death Valley)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Pineapple Bob Ride Today
For those of you who may be searching for a training ride today...don't forget the Pienapple Bob Ride leaving VCC at 2PM. Long route will be...well...long. 47ish miles. But, there is a much shorter 35ish mile route (which isn't much longer than the route we took last week).
Some (a lot actually) will be on gravel roads. So, it is suggested that you ride some sort of an all-terrain, Cyclo-cross, or Mountain Bike type tire. However, road tires will work in a pinch...you'll just have to be a little cautious.
Anyway...just thought I'd mention it. In case anyone was planning to attend. I'll be there.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Testing with restraint
See, MY testing posts show impeccable taste and restraint - no "booga booga" here. I mean, really!
Pay no attention...
I am the very model of a modern major general, somethin' somethin' somethin' vegetable or mineral, blah blah yada yada.
Testing, testing - is this thing on? Can you wierdos in the back hear me?
Booga Booga!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Team Ride This Sunday!!!!!!!!
Hey Gang!
Team Ride #2 is this Sunday! We are rollin' outta Johnson Park on 28th St @ 2:00pm. (DiD put a map up on the Team Site). I drove the route yesterday...it's nice, a couple rollers but not too hilly. Quiet roads and pretty views. We are going to try to get on the road pretty much right on time 'cuz some of us are off to Van Andel afterwards. The main route is 21 miles and there will be a "long cut" that'll add 3-4 miles if anyone is so inclined. I'll have a few maps and some tip sheets.
As I mentioned earlier...I would like to try and keep us in 2 groups as opposed to a lead group and a buncha single riders, for safety and social reasons. We'll chat about it a bit before we roll.
I'll be there @ 1:30 if anyone wants a flat tire seminar.
Look for me in the 2nd parking lot as the first one is still closed off.
Speaking of "closed off"...when I was there this week the bathrooms weren't open and the sign said that the park was "closed until 4/30" so plan accordingly. (There are a buncha gas stations just a few minutes east on 28th St.)
Snacks? What do you think!?
See you there!
Monday, April 14, 2008
New photos
Just posted photos of last Sunday's team ride on the photo site. Click on the link to the right or right here. See your fellow riders in action. Actually you'll see them getting ready to ride and having snacks after the ride. Maybe later we'll get some photos of people actually riding their bikes.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Great turnout for the first ride
It was a fantastic day and we had a fantastic turnout as this photo shows. That's not even everybody. Several folks arrived after the picture was taken. In all there were 23 riders on Sunday. Without a doubt our best inaugural ride of the season ever. A hearty welcome to all the new riders who showed up. We currently have 40 people scheduled for Death Valley, 20 riding in Asheville and a few in Whitefish. Although more people are joining us everyday, so those numbers could be too low already. Next team ride is in two weeks at Johnson Park. See you there.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Ding ding, it's spring
It's on, yo! Sunday, 2pm rollout, Ada Park (lookit, I made a map). Be there, or be forever known as the one who squandered one of the first nice days of 2008.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Meet some new team mates
Say hello to our new riders from the Midland area. Six folks have joined us and are already off to a great start. Coach Mike, Amy, Derek, Tom and Mary had a small kick-off meeting with them on Sunday. They are fired up and way ahead of the curve on fund raising. Welcome to the team Mid-Michigan.Deborah McCollum, Becky Zehnder, and Lynette Fanacovic. Missing from the picture are Ronald McCollum, Shirley Wohlfiel, and Brenda Levigne.