From Team Ride 072509 |
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Ride photos on line
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Ride Opportunities a-plenty!
Hey all.......if you're in the mood for some extra miles there are a few things cookin' here @ the shop in the next few days.............
Friday 7/31 - Dawn Patrol. Leaves the shop @ 5:00am for a buncha miles before meeting up w/ the weekly Bagel Ride @ 8:30. We oughta be around 65-80 by the time we get back around 10:30.
Sunday 8/2 - "R.A.A.D.D." (Ride Around All Damn day). Roll from the shop @ 9:00am and.....guess what?......ride around all damn day! We're thinking 120+ miles but who knows? No planned route, no maps, no support, no whining! (Wanna ride some but not all - that works too! We'll be coming back towards town a couple times)
More to come!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Post Great Northern Ride Report 2009
Y'know, every team ride rocks--so much in fact, that we're having a hard time coming up with new ways in which to say how much they rock.
I might be biased, but I think this particular post-ride report is a good opportunity to thank the people that support us--our families and friends and supporters.
A huge thank you to my grandparents, Ted and Sue Hunter, my mom Cheri Nelles, and my aunt Kathi Downs for hosting the 2nd Annual (3rd if you count our departure from Montague Township Park in 2007!) Great Northern Ride on Saturday. They truly, TRULY love having this ride and party, getting to know each one of you and why you're so darn dedicated to this cycling thing we do.
A blanket of gray clouds hung over the sky prior to our departure, but like a scene out of a sappy movie, the minute we started rolling down Indian Bay Rd., the skies turned the most awesome shade of blue, and we had a gorgeous day for a ride. 62ish VERY hilly and challenging miles (sorry about that last big hill and the 2 miles of gravel at the end...welcome to the Great White North where 'paved roads' are a relative term) to Silver Lake and back. THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH to Derek for the super sweet, hurts-so-good route and logistics...the Whippi Dip has never been so cool as it was last Saturday.
Rockin' post-ride brats provided by co-host with the way-most Did, fixins provided by Katie & Steve: YUM!! A few more clouds rolled in as we wrapped up our festivities--but it was just fine if you ask me.
26 riders and tons of family members joined us...
Mary & Tom Scheidel
Diane Aamoth
Coach Mike & Linda Clark
Heather & Brian Bowe
Katie & Steve Clark & family
Scott & Melanie Williamson & family
Cindy Aley
Tom "What do you mean MC and I are the only salsa entries?" Miller
Chris Radford
Nathen Kooi
Kris Couturier
Amy Fisher & family
Derek Dykstra & family
Cathy Priest
Chris Machuta & family
Patti Bills
Nick Murphy
Kevin Carnes
me & family
Special Guest Stars Dawn Riccomini and (future team member?) Eric Bouwens
Next team ride is Sunday August 9...details to come!
Thanks, all!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Whatta day, huh? Congrats to everyone that rode (Linda, C, Did, Peggy, Brenda, Cindy, Danny - from - Indy, Cath, Chris M, Steve C, Trike Mike, Kevin O, Nathan, Kevin C, Jack, & I'm sure several more) and THANKS A TON to everyone that helped make the HH / JDRF connection as strong as it was! (Nic, John "Jazzmo" J, Chris R, Patti B, Tom-n-Mary, Linda C, Diane A, Linda PT, Scott P, Nathan, Melanie, Brian J, Heather A, Katie C.......the list goes on and on and on........)**********
1250 riders had a blast on a near-perfect day. We sold the crap outta raffle tickets, root beer floats and XS drink too!
I think we put this one in the "Win Column".
When the financial dust settles the HH committee will figure out what sort of donation they'll be able to make to JDRF.....I think it'll be a nice one!
Thanks again you made me proud!
On to Montague!!!!!!!!!!!!
********* Did I miss you? I'm really really sorry! I was somewhat distracted for a good part of the day.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
2nd Annual Great Northern Ride & Salsa-Off
Hey gang,
Next SATURDAY, July 25, is our next team ride. It's the 2nd Annual Great Northern Ride and Salsa-Off, hosted in Montague by Derek, Katie, Steve, and myself. Check your e-mail this week for a map and address.
We'll do a 10:00 a.m. roll-out with 63ish and 45ish "somewhat hilly" mile options with refueling opportunities along the way. You'll be especially happy if you are someone that enjoys blue raspberry slushies.
After the ride, we'll supply brats, hot dogs, and all the fixins'. You bring something to pass...perhaps an entry into the Salsa contest (this year with 'traditional' and 'non-traditional' categories to make it fair for those of us who like mangoes in our salsas), or whatever you like.
Don't forget to bring bathing suits, towels, etc...there's a pool! Families are welcome--and there's a beautiful beach right around the corner where they can hang out while we ride, and can meet us back at the house afterward.
It's a bit of a hike for some of you, but we promise, totally worth it. If you think of it, send us a heads-up that you plan to make it, and approximate headcount. Thanks!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Fun Fun Fun
This is a totally fun, totally unofficial ride. Some of you may remember last year's 5x55 Ride on the Musketawa Trail. This is year is even better. A better trail, the White Pine from Comstock Park to Sand Lake; more bars, the 6; and fewer miles, the 46.
The date of this auspicious event in August 8. Start time is 11:00 a.m. from behind Vitale's in Comstock Park. Highlights will include the Corner Bar in Rockford, The Cedar Pub in Cedar Springs and the Sand Bar in Sand Lake; plus three additional establishments.
Join us to ride or just hang out. Mark the date in your calendar, more details coming soon.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Post Ride Report: 7/12
More than once in the last few days, I heard or read someone mentioning how incredibly awesome our team ride on Sunday from Mike & Lin’s house was….Now, even in crummy weather and with lots of flats and all that sort of stuff this group tends to have a great time. But there was something special about Sunday….it was probably a perfect mix of a whole bunch of factors—glorious weather, delicious food (I think I can still taste the garlic from MC’s salsa…YUMMMMMM), a few laughs, and a whole slew of cyclists riding their hearts out. Seems like people really took to the idea of riding with whom it makes sense to ride with—practicing for what Ride Day is really like. Simple concept that seems to be sticking. Let’s keep it up, eh?
Roll Call…team members and tons of Special Guest Stars (SGSs)!
Brad Spooner
SGS Chris “Route Meister” Davison
Kathy Hesch
SGS Carmen “I can’t stay but my brownies will” Hannah
Tom Scheidel
Heather & Brian
SGS Mike – friend of BJB
Maggie DeBoer
SGS’s Rhonda and Jake and Stacy
Tom Miller
Karen Kindel
SGS Jen – teaching stuff to MC about bikes!
Chris Radford
Dawn Andersen
Nathen Kooi
John “I’m really important. There’s a kid named after me now” Jasker
Cathy P to the T
Chris Machuta
SGS’s Don & Linda Milanowski
Brenda Baushke
Rick Blackmar
Linda Thompson-Poeder
Lynne Gallagher
Ken Thorne
Nick Murphy
Kevin “I’ll captain that tandem” Carnes
SGS Dawn “Stop picking on me before the ride even starts” Riccomini
Cindy Aley
did the Map Man
Host and Hostess with the Mosterest: MC & Lin
See you many of you on Saturday for the Holland Hundred, and again just under two weeks for the Great Northern Ride and Salsa-Off (e-mail to come with details)!
One more reminder Killington bus your passport/passport card all set?
Friday, July 10, 2009
Allez! Allez!
(Hey everybody, here's an announcement that I wrote about my upcoming Tour de France viewing party. I'd love to see a lot of you there. The ride is optional, and it's kid friendly)
Tour de France viewing party benefits diabetes research
SAUGATUCK, Mich. — Cycling's Tour de France is one of the most mythic sporting events of all time, and with seven-time champion Lance Armstrong seeking to return to glory after four years of retirement, the excitement level is even higher. West Michigan cycling fans will have a chance to celebrate the Tour's storied final stage while supporting the fight against type 1 diabetes.
On JULY 26 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., Spectators Bar and Grill in Saugatuck will host a benefit viewing party of the Tour de France's stage 21, which ends on the Champs-Elysees, with proceeds to benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation's West Michigan cycling team. The breakfast buffet costs $8, with a portion of each benefiting the JDRF team. Spectators is located at 6432 Blue Star Hwy in Saugatuck. For more information, call (269) 857-5001.
Spectators owner and chef Clare Ray said the restaurant is happy to host the event. "I've been a fan of the Tour de France since Greg LeMond was the first American to win back in the '80s," Ray said. "This gives us a chance to not only celebrate cycling, but to help JDRF in its quest for a cure for type one diabetes."
This year, some 58 riders are raising funds to participate in hundred-mile events in Killington Vt. or Death Valley, Calif. Since 2005, the West Michigan JDRF ride team has raised some $778,000 for the charity, and this year so far has raised nearly $100,000 more. Team member and event organizer Brian J. Bowe said the JDRF Ride to Cure Diabetes program is physically challenging, but also rewarding. "The team is filled with dedicated people who are focused on helping find a cure for diabetes, all while reaping the amazing physical benefits of spending lots of time on the bike," he said. "
Type 1, or juvenile, diabetes, is a devastating, often deadly disease that affects millions of people — a large and growing percentage of them children. Insulin keeps people with type 1 diabetes alive, but it's not a cure. Along with the challenges of living with diabetes, there are many severe and/or fatal complications caused by the disease. Thanks to advanced research, a cure for type 1 diabetes is within reach. The JDRF funding and its leadership is associated with most major scientific breakthroughs in diabetes research. JDRF funds a major portion of all type 1 diabetes research worldwide, more than any other charity.
Note: A an optional pre-breakfast road bike ride will leave from Velo City Cycles, 77 E 8th Street in Holland, at 7:30 a.m.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Road ID Tour de France Challenge

Sunday Ride @ Casa de Clark
Just a reminder about our upcoming team ride, this Sunday at Casa de Coach Clark in Holland. Roll out is at 10:00 am, and the fajita bash will follow afterward. 60ish and 45ish mile options will be available. This will be a great opportunity to work on that riding-with-who-you'll-ride-with stuff, paceline practice, etc. that was mentioned in a recent team e-mail too.
A map to the house was included in that last team e-mail. Contact MC or Nicole if you need directions.
See you there!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The XS is here!
First off, thanks to XS Energy Drinks for once again sponsoring the West Michigan Ride Team. Their participation has helped us raise over $8,000 over the last four years. This year XS has again donated a pallet load of energy drinks. That's 224 cases. We don't have room at our house for that much product, so let us know soon how much you would like. Remember, you can drink it yourself or sell it as a fundraiser. Either way all the money goes directly to your ride account.
There are lots of great flavors, including:
Cran-Grape, Tropical, Citrus, Cherry, Lemon, Cola, Black Cherry Cola, TeaBerry, Peach Tea, New Wild Berry, and Caffeine-free Root Beer.
For more info or to schedule a pick up time contact Tom or Mary.