Photos from yesterday's ride and the first team ride at the Grandville area Clarks are here:
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2010 Team Rides |
A blog by members of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation West Michigan Chapter Ride to Cure Diabetes team.
Photos from yesterday's ride and the first team ride at the Grandville area Clarks are here:
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2010 Team Rides |
Lessee.........what do I remember about yesterday's ride........? Well - it was hot. And hilly. And hot. And there were some hills. And it was kinda warm, mebbe even hot. And.....'twas some up and down.
Did I mention that it was more-than-a bit warm, hot even?
Major World's Coolest Team Ever Props to our Hosts - Tom and Mary Scheidel* - for arranging a well-nigh Death Valley specific ride! There were 2 routes, a 40 miler and a 25 miler and we had a pretty good group of riders on each one.
Speaking of which, here's the role call:
Tom S
Mary S
Katie C
Steve C
Chris M
Becky M (Winner of ALL of the Hardcore Points. More on that in a bit)
Coach Did
Special Guest Star Ms Did (AKA Kirsten D)
Tom M
Linda TP
Scott P
Sarah A (Back in the saddle again!!!!!)
Nick M
Nicole N
Brad S
Chris R
Linda C
Walt F - Newest member of our team! Picked up his bike on Sat and rode 25 miles Sunday! Dang!
Coach me
After the ride there was much feasting on everything from giant strawberries to chips and salsa (shocking!!!) to Linda TP's wicked salsa and a big pot of rice/bean/chicken stuff.
One down note - Becky 3rd "incident' of the day proved to be one too many as our fears were confirmed when she was diagnosed w/ a fractured elbow last night. Let the record show that she rode 10+ miles on said fractured elbow, hence the bestowing of the Hardcore Points. Here's to fast recovery and a shifter-friendly cast or splint! (Hmmmm - do I see a tandem in her future? It's been done before!)
Other than that fairly massive downer 'twas a great ride and everyone (everyone!) rode really really well on a challenging route on a challenging day. We are gonna be SO ready for DV! (And VT and Tucson too!) Might be fun to re-visit this loop in a month or 2 and see how much easier it gets!
Next Team Ride is Sunday 6/6. It's the Tour de Taco and this year it moves form the Clark's backyard to the pool and park alongside Lake Macatawa @ Eldean's Shipyard. (Thanks to JD for setting that up!) There will be 3 routes - a 45 miler w/ a good shortcut and - as promised - a flat and easy 20 miler in case you wanna ride the 100 Grand the day before. We roll @ 11:00 to get lotsa pool time.
Other naggy stuff:
If you don't get your 40 bux to Tom Miller soon you might not get the "pink peloton" jersey that you said you wanted. Jus' sayin'.
Remember to tell Coach Did if you are planning to do the 100 Grand so he can include you in our team registration. That get's ya in for n/c!
We're doing a Memorial Day Ride from the shop - sort of an impromptu 45-50 miler. Rollin' @ 9:00am.
Okay, I think that covers it.........allow me to remind y'all just how much you ROCK, 'cuz you all for sure do!
See you on the road! Be safe, ride lots, keep the rubber side down!
Coach Mike
* Ian - I didn't forget you dude...but you weren't there, y'know?
Hey Team!
We had a pretty good group that gathered up @ Tom Miller's (happily moat-free) house near Grand Haven for a ride last Sunday. We rode 'tween 30-40 miles and throughly enjoyed the fruits of his grill labors and sweet sunshine on the deck afterwards. No crashes, flats or UFO sightings to report.....but if you weren't there you missed a great day!
Honor Roll Call:
Host w/ the Most Tom M
Mary S
Cathy Kaat
John J
Chris R
Heather A-B
Brian B
Cindy A
Special Guest Greg
Special Guests (and Tom's neighbors) Riley and ?????(Never got his name, sorry)
Linda C
Peggy E
(Not so Trike) Mike H
Jeff H
Rick B
Mel W
Coach Did (w/ the last ride on Ruby....sniff)
Coach Me
Lotsa cool stuff comin' this-a-way as May draws to a close....Teammie Sarah A has her "Bike, Brews and a B-B-Q" bash and fund-raiser this Friday.
ALSO - we have 'nother Team Ride a-comin' up this Sunday! We'll gather @ the Scheidel's in Rockford @ 2:00pm for a route that promises to get'cher climbing legs loosened up! We'll send out the details as to their exact location via e-mail.
Looking ahead - The 100 Grand is comin' up fast, it's on 6/5! Remember that as a Team we get to ride for free but you need to let Coach Did know so he can sign everyone up en masse. It's always a great ride.
Our next Team Ride after this Sunday will be 6/6 in Holland. It's a can't miss it sort of day 'cuz JD has secured the yard and pool beside Lake Macatawa here in H-land and it's also the "Tour de Taco Ride". (The city is tearin' up our street all summer so I'll be doing the fajita grilling out by the lake. I can deal.)
Note to 100 Grand Riders - Don't think you gotta miss this ride 'cuz you rode long the day before! We will offer a "Super-Special-I-Rode-All-Dang-Day-Yesterday-And-My-Legs-Are-Toast " loop just for y'all that will be short, simple and flat so you can eat and recover by the pool.
Remember - if you don't get your "Pink Peloton" jersey $ to Tom Miller asap then you ain't for sure gonna get a jersey! We are only ordering a few extra so if you want one (and many of you said that you did!) time to pony up the dough. $40 in a check made out to Tom Miller please. Bring it to the next ride, put in in the mail, drop t off @ the JDRF office, at Velo's not that hard people!
I think that does it. As I sit here I look ahead @ the coming months and marvel at all that will go down in the next buncha weeks. There are already more riders signed up to ride this year than we had in 2009 so we are well on the way to the biggest year ever for the Ride to Cure Program! You guys are a huge part of that as our Team continues to lead the way. It's gonna be a great year!
So - keep riding. Keep fund-raising. Keep in touch w/ each other and most of all.......
Keep rocking 'cuz after all - it's how we roll, huh?
See you this Sunday if not before and - as always - thanks for doing what you do & beiong who you are!
Ride on
Coach Mike
Congrats to Nicole Nelles - designer of the winning 2010 JDRF Michigan Great Lakes West Ride team t-shirt. And this is about the only prize there is for "winning" - so,
Hey, gangarino -
So, the day dawned, 70 and sunny as had been forecast. A glance at the radar revealed a rather substantial amount of 70 and sunny was occurring in the Holland area, and some light 70 and sunny occurring in the Grand Haven area. This may have explained the very large initial turnout for the ride, which, including me, totaled 1 person. Now, I had heard from Tom Miller, who was dealing with his THIRD flat tire in two miles, and figured we might accumulate some additional throngs of people when the one of us made it down to Tom's house.
Below are the entries for our team T-shirt this year. Use the poll on the right to vote for your favorite. (note: t-shirt color and screen print colors can change). Leave in a comment to this post what color t-shirt and screen print color you think would look best.