Sunday brought our first 80 degree day of 2007 to the Windy City, a perfect opportunity to get out for a nice ride. Knowing that the Lakeshore path would be packed with baby jogging strollers, double-wide bicycles-built-for-eight (seriously, I can't make this stuff up), rollerbladers holding hands, and the inevitable jackhole riding on the left side of the path, I opted for the much more serene and much less crowded North Branch Trail.
I love riding this trail, because it actually reminds me of being in West Michigan. Yesterday, I saw seven deer. Up close. Who knew?
Bonus about this cool trail: its turnaround point is the Chicago Botanic Gardens. You get free admission to this state-of-the-art oasis if you show up on a bike, too. Sweet.
All in all, 30 good miles on the most beautiful day of the year so far. Here’s to more of those, and fewer bicycles-built-for-eight.

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