Tuesday, June 16, 2009

More Props for the World's Coolest Team!

So.......Aly @ the National Office sent me a DVD last week. It's a recording of the "2009 Virtual Annual Conference" for JDRF International. I guess it was attended by pretty much everyone working for or with JDRF all over the place. In it.....the CEO of JDRF - Dr. Alan Lewis - made special mention of our lil 'ol team!

I'm paraphrasing here a tad but he was name-checking 3 Chapters that had good success in the Walk Programs in the face of the economic challenges of the past year. Then he said "And while we're recognizing success let's not forget the Western Michigan Chapter and their stellar success in the Ride Program. They field the 2nd largest Team in the program and their revenue was up 16%."

We were the only Ride Team mentioned.

Pretty cool, huh?

Yet more evidence to the level at which you guys rock!

Ride on!

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